Barn Raising
Always wanting a horse and finally getting one was just the
beginning of a dream come true. I learned real fast that my
love for horses was greater than just having one. As my pasture
started to fill and ideas began to be put into a business, I
discovered some changes had to be made. A large barn was my
new dream and so in October of 1994 ground was broke.
Check Out An Aerial View Of Painted Star
Ground Breaking - October 1994 
Barn Raising - Six-12'x12'stalls, Feed & Tackroom, Hay Storage
room, 12'x 36' center isle.

Barn Completed - Opening Day - Halloween 1994

Pictured inside my new barn wearing a big smile and my Painted
Star Farm t-shirt ready to live my dream. So it took 42 years
but who's counting!